

The first step in the creative process is the cultivation of the Cane Arrow plant. When about 2 months have passed since planting and the leaf is about a meter high, the leaves are cut with a machete and prepared for scraping. Next, with a knife, the green part of the leaf is cut, leaving only the nepa, which is what is used to make the braid.

The next step is the scraping of the nepa. The objective is to leave the nepas smooth and ready to dry in the sun for 4 days. The nepas are gathered in bundles of 12 and left to dry in the sun until they turn white. Once drying is complete, the nepas are “ripped” (cut vertically) to achieve a width of approximately 1 cm. To dye the nepas of Caña Flecha, masos (heavy hammers) are used to soften and flatten them. These bunches are then cooked with natural products and clay. Depending on the color you want to obtain, different elements are mixed such as water, lemon juice, wild cane and apple tree leaves. Once the nepas are cooked, they are left submerged in mud for 3 consecutive days, and then washed. Finally, the dyed nepas are braided to obtain strips of cloth that end up being sewn to make bags and hats.


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